Suomen Korttipiste Oy Odoon versio 15.0+e

Tietoa kohteesta Suomen Korttipiste Oy Odoosta, Avoimen lähdekoodin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä (ERP).

Asennetut ohjelmistot

Sale Delivery Notes, Picking Notes
add delivery notes in sale order and pass to the delivery order.Sale notes, Delivery Notes, Sale delivery notes, Delivery reminder, Notes pass to delivery , Picking notes,Delivery driver notes, Shipment notes, picking slip, pick up notes odoo sale notes, odoo sale delivery notes, odoo delivery notes
Show Images in Excel
Odoo Show Images in Excel allows you to export the images instead of Base64 while exporting Excel file.
Sprintit Batch Transfer
Interface for asynchronous file transfer, recieval and error monitoring
Purchase Advance Payment
Make advance payment in Purchase purchases advance payment purchase advance payment advance purchases payment advance po payment
Odoo all import for Sales, Purchase, Invoice, Inventory, Pricelist, BOM, Payment, Bank Statement, Journal Entry, Picking, Product, Customer.
Odoo import Data Import All in one import Invoice import Sales import Inventory import Purchase import stock inventory import Picking import Product image import Customer import serial import lot import bank statement import journal entry import payment
Tarjouksista laskuiksi
Laskut ja maksut
Seuraa liidejä ja sulje mahdollisuuksia
Yrityksen verkkosivuston rakennussovellus
Advance Inventory Reports
advance inventory ieports / Inventory Analysis Reports inventory Turnover Analysis Report / Inventory Turnover Ratio / turnover report / warehouse turnover inventory FSN Analysis Report / non moving report / warehouse analysis inventory XYZ Analysis Report / turn over report / warehouse turn over inventory FSN with XYZ Analysis Report / FSN-XYZ Analysis / FSN XYZ Analysis inventory age report / stock ageing / Inventory ageing / stock age / inventory aging / ageing report inventory age breakdown report inventory overstock report / excess inventory report stock movement report / stock rotation report inventory Out Of Stock Report / inventory coverage report / outofstock report Advanced Inventory Reports / All in one inventory reports / all in one reports
Hallitse varasto- ja logistiikkatoimintoja
Hallinnoida taloudellista ja analyyttistä kirjanpitoa
Ostotilaukset, tarjoukset ja sopimukset
Myy tuotteitasi verkossa
Tuotantotilaukset ja kokoonpanolistat (BOM:t)
Työntekijöiden kulujen toimittaminen, vahvistaminen ja uudelleen laskuttaminen
Luo ja muokkaa Odoo-sovelluksia
Keskitä työntekijän tiedot
Import Chart of Accounts from CSV or Excel File
This apps helps to import chart of accounts using CSV or Excel file
Integration Center
Integration menu and user rights settings
Karto Tokmanni Import Excel SO
Tokmanni sale order import and procee pickings
Shopify Odoo Connector
Our Shopify Connector helps you in integrating and managing your Shopify store with Odoo by providing the most useful features of Product and Order Synchronization. This solution is compatible with our other apps i.e. Amazon, ebay, magento, Inter Company Transfer, Shipstation.Apart from Odoo Shopify Connector, we do have other ecommerce solutions or applications such as Woocommerce connector, Magento Connector, and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration such as Odoo Amazon Connector, Odoo eBay Connector, Odoo Walmart Connector, Odoo Connector.Aside from ecommerce integration and ecommerce marketplace integration, we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration, known as the Shipstation connector.For the customers who are into Dropship business, we do provide EDI Integration that can help them manage their Dropshipping business with our Dropshipping integration or Dropshipper integration.It is listed as Dropshipping EDI integration and Dropshipper EDI integration.Emipro applications can be searched with different keywords like Amazon integration, Shopify integration, Woocommerce integration, Magento integration, Amazon vendor center module, Amazon seller center module, Inter company transfer, Ebay integration, integration, inventory management, warehouse transfer module, dropship and dropshipper integration and other Odoo integration application or module
SprintIT Multiple Sales Orders
Multiple Sales Orders for different Customers.
SprintIT Sales Sections Totals
Section wise report of sale order and invoice and Confirm validation if sections not found in order or invoice.
SprintIT Warehouse Toolbox
Sprintit Stock Toolbox
Tietojen puhdistus
Muotoile helposti tekstidataa useissa tietueissa. Etsi päällekkäiset tietueet ja yhdistä ne helposti.
Chat, sähköpostivälitys ja yksityiset kanavat
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Aikatauluta työntekijöiden kokoukset
Rakenna omia työpöytiä
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